600 Ericksen Avenue NE, Suite 300, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Telephone: (206) 842-8951 Fax: (206) 855-9483
Email: info@guywdunncpa.com Website: www.guywdunncpa.com
Directions from the Ferry Terminal
1. After getting off the ferry, the first set of lights will be at Winslow Way. Make a left turn onto Winslow Way.
2. Go about 1 block until you get to the intersection of Ericksen Avenue. Make a right turn onto Ericksen.
3. Go past the STOP sign at the Wyatt Way intersection, make a right turn into the 600 Ericksen Avenue parking lot.
4. From the parking lot, enter through the front entrance. Go up one floor using either the stairs or the elevator to the right as you walk in. We are the first office on the 3rd floor.